Wednesday, August 24, 2011

If you want the minimum to be 37...

Thanks to a large donation from one person, I reached my original goal of $500 - and thanks to everyone else, I am over my original goal by $20. Which is awesome, because no one wants to do the minimum, right?

Like your prettyboy over there
So now I come to a new discussion with you, dear reader. Before, I was worried about not being able to reach my initial goal of $500. Now I have a different request. While still continuing to raise money to fight cancer, I want to kick Carrie Helfers out of first place on the list. There, I've said it. Currently she sits $30 ahead of me.

Just $30.

1.Carrie Helfers - $550.00
2.Justin Husman - $520.00

Who is Carrie Helfers, you ask? Well, she works for the Kansas City Sports comission, and is actually on the board of directors of the Tour de BBQ.

So I want to raise more money to fight cancer than she does. Period. Here she is, miss fancypants "Grassroots Liason", with her fancy "college degree" and "job title". Then what happens? Some dude from Texas comes up into her town and raises more money than she does for her own event.

And looks this good doing it.
Just think about it!

I can do it, if you DONATE. Even if it's only $5 or $10, I'd appreciate it. Sure, part of the reason I'm still asking for DONATIONS is to feed my ego; I love to win stuff. But more than anything else, I want to raise money for the University of Kansas Cancer Center and help to put an end to cancer.

I've been trying to bring you plenty of content lately in hopes that you will find some value here and consider making a donation as a result. As a good salesman, I rarely take "no" for an answer - and I always ask for the sale more than once, so I'm going to ask you one last time to make even a small donation today. It is tax deductible, goes to a good cause, and could help me beat someone I've never met in a competition she may not know she is in.

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